Stained-glass windows and glass objects are related to luxurious objects along the history and their study offers a unique opportunity to understand this important heritage and to prevent their decay. This research line, launched by the ComFuturo research project EnViCET, is focused on the study of the degradation mechanisms of historical glasses in natural and simulated environments, the stability/incompatibility of surface paints (enamels, grisailles,…) with the support glass, the interaction between historical glasses and other materials (metal, wood…), the archaeometric studies on archaeological and historical glasses, and the development of new materials for the conservation of glasses.

Glass goblet from 19th century with crizzling (Spanish Royal Glass Factory)

  • C. Machado, A. Machado, T. Palomar, M. Vilarigues (IN PRESS) Grisaille in historical written sources. Journal of Glass Studies.

  • C. Machado, A. Machado, T. Palomar, L. Cerqueira, M. Vilarigues (IN PRESS) Debitus grisailles for stained-glass conservation: an analytical study. Conservar Patrimonio.

  • T. Palomar, C. Grazia, I. Pombo Cardoso, M. Vilarigues, C. Miliani, A. Romani (2019) Analysis of chromophores in stained-glass windows using Visible Hyperspectral Imaging in-situ. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 223 (117378), 1-9.

  • T. Palomar, D. de la Fuente, M. Morcillo, M. Álvarez De Buergo, M. Vilarigues (2019) Early stages of environmental glass alteration in coastal atmosphere. Building and environment, 147, 305-313.

  • T. Palomar, P. Redol, I. Cruz Almeida, E. Pereira da Silva, M. Vilarigues (2018) The influence of environment in the alteration of the stained-glass windows in Portuguese monuments. Heritage, 1, 365-376.