The International Commission on Glass (ICG), along with the Community of Glass Associations (CGA) and ICOM-Glass are promoting a United Nations International Year of Glass for 2022. It will underline the technological, scientific and economic importance of glass — that enabling material underpinning so many of our technologies and facilitating the development of more just and sustainable societies to meet the challenges of globalization.

The worldwide presentation of the project was emitted on Thursday 3rd December 2020 on the YouTube channel of CSIC, obtaining a very important impact. The presentation has more than 2500 visits in the YouTube channel of CSIC and much more through Linked’In and Google. Moreover, many new endorsements arrived after this presentation, reinforcing our position to get the IYOG.

You can register your interest in our website

Extensive planning is underway to celebrate a UN Year of Glass in 2022, including a kick-off event in Geneva, an ICG congress in Berlin, a worldwide congress on glass technology in Shanghai and a global art/history congress. We hope to seed dedicated journal issues, exhibitions in museums, public and private glass collections and provide material for universal dissemination throughout education.

Here it is the link to connect to the emission:

In addition, you can download from this link:

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