Francisco Muñoz Fraile

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2003 PhD in Inorganic Chemistry, University Autonomous of Madrid (Spain)
Dissertation title: Synthesis, structure and properties of nitrided phosphate glasses in the system Li2O-Na2O-PbO-P2O5
Date: September 12, 2003
1997 BS in Chemistry, University of Alicante (Spain)

Tenured Scientist (appointed September 2009).

Ceramics and Glass Institute, Spanish Research Council (CSIC).

2006-2009 Research contract, Ceramics and Glass Institute (CSIC), Madrid (Spain).

2005-2006 Marie Curie fellow (EU), Otto-Schott Institute, Jena (Germany).

2004-2005 ATER contract, University of Lille 1 (France).

2003-2004 Research contract CNRS-Ministry of Industry, University of Rennes 1 (France).

2000-2003 PhD student, Ceramics and Glass Institute (CSIC), Madrid (Spain).

I3P research contract at the Ceramics and Glass Institute of CSIC (Spain), 2006-2009 (3 years).
Marie-Curie research fellowship at the Otto Schott Institute, Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena (Germany), 2005-2006 (8 months).
CSIC-DFG Marina Bueno research grant for a stay in Otto Schott Institute, Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, (Germany), 2007 (3 months).
CSIC-DFG Marina Bueno research grant for a stay in Otto Schott Institute, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (Germany), 2002 (1 month).

Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass

Technical committee TC03 on the study of Glass Structure of the International Commission on Glass ( Chair position of the committee from 2011 to 2013.

Title: Phosphate glasses for optics and high power laser applications (I-LINK+ 2014)
Funding organization: Spanish Research Council (CSIC)
Total amount: 24700 €
Years: 2015-2016

Title: Effect of processing on the structure and properties of glasses and glass-ceramics with photonic applications (MAT2013-48246-C2-1-P)
Funding organization: Ministry of Economy of Spain
Total amount: 97959 €
Years: 2014-2016

Title: Glassy materials for rechargeable lithium batteries (PIE 200960I125)
Funding organization: Spanish Research Council (CSIC)
Total amount: 30000 €
Years: 2010

Title: Design of a glass melting furnace with a high energy and environmental yielding
Funding organization: CDTI (Spanish centre for the industrial and technological development)
Years: 2013-2015
PI: Dra. Alicia Durán Carrera

Title: Improving the competitiveness of technical curricula reflecting the current needs of business practice (ITMS 26110230052)
Funding organization: European Union
Years: 2012-2013
Pincipal Investigator (PI): Prof. Tillová, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Zilina (Slovakia)

Title: Improvement in quality, energy consumption and environmental aspects of a glass meeting furnace
Funding organization: CDTI (Spanish centre for the industrial and technological development)
Years: 2011-2013
PI: Dra. Alicia Durán Carrera

Title: Structural bases of transport properties of glasses with technological interest (MAT2010-20459)
Funding organization: Ministry of Science
Years: 2011-2013
PI: Dr. María Jesús Pascual Francisco

Title: Development of new electrolyte and electrode materials for all-solid-state thin-film lithium batteries through solution process
Funding organization: Ministry of Science (Spain – Japan)
Years: 2009 – 2012
PI: Dr. Masahiro Tatsumisago, Dr. Mario Aparicio Ambrós

Title: Nano-composite phosphoborosilicate glasses for sealing applications MEC-CNRS (HF2007-0101)
Funding organization: Ministry of Education
Years: 2008-2009
PI: Dr. Lionel Montagne, Dr. Alicia Durán Carrera

Title: Glasses and glass-ceramics for efficient, clean and safe energies (MAT2006-4375)
Funding organization: Ministry of Science
Years: 2007-2009
PI: Dr. Alicia Durán Carrera

Title: Interface Controlled Nucleation and Crystallisation (INTERCONY)(STREP FP6-NMP3-CT-2006-033200)
Funding organization: European Commission
Years: 2007-2009
PI: Dr. Christian Russel

Title: Modelización de procesos de sinterización de materiales vítreos y vitrocerámicos (CSIC-CNPq 2004BR-0011)
Funding organization: Ministry of Education
Years: 2004-2006
PI: Dra. Alicia Durán Carrera, Dr. Edgar Dutra Zanotto

Title: Corrosion resistant glasses and glass-ceramics (MAT2003-05902-C02-01)
Funding organization: CICYT Spain
Years: 2004-2006
PI: Dra. Alicia Durán Carrera

Title: Anisotropic Glass FibresMarie Curie Host Fellowship HPMD-CT-2001-00076
Funding organization: European Commission
Years: 2002-2006
PI: Dr. Christian Rüssel

Title: New formulations of inorganic UV-absorbers to prevent the photodegradation of wood.
Funding organization: Ministère de l’Industrie (France)
Years: 2002-2006
PI: Dr. Roger Marchand

Title: Development of glassy seals and enamels against corrosion (MAT2000-0952-C02-01)
Funding organization: CICYT Spain
Years: 2001-2003
PI: Dra. Alicia Durán Carrera

Title: Influence of viscosity and structure on nitridation of phosphate glasses (HF1998-069)
Funding organization: Integrated Action Spain-France, Ministry of Education – Universidad de Rennes 1
Years: 1999-2000
PI: Dra. Alicia Durán Carrera, Dr. Roger Marchand

Title: Influence of viscosity and structure on nitridation of phosphate glasses (2000-FR-009)
Funding organization: Integrated Action Spain-France, CSIC – CNRS
Years: 2001-2002
PI: Dra. Alicia Durán Carrera, Dr. Roger Marchand

Title: Crystallization processes in glasses (HA-2000-61)
Funding organization: Integrated Action Spain-Germany
Years: 2001-2002
PI: Dra. Alicia Durán Carrera, Dr. Christian Rüssel

Title: Sealing of non-oxidic ceramics (HF2001-124)
Funding organization: Integrated Action Spain-France, CSIC-CNRS
Years: 2002-2003
PI: Dra. Alicia Durán Carrera

48. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Effect of nitrogen and fluorine on the chemical properties of lithium phosphate glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids (submitted).

47. N. Mascaraque, G. Tricot, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, New structural features of LiPON glasses determined by 1D and 2D 31P MAS NMR, (submitted).

46. I. Kansal, A.A. Reddy, F. Muñoz, S.-J. Choi, H.-W. Kim, D.U. Tulyaganov, J.M. Ferreira, Structure, biodegradation behavior and cytotoxicity of alkali-containing silicophosphate glasses, Mat. Sci. Eng. C 44 (2014) 159-165.

45. N. Mascaraque, H. Takebe, G. Tricot, J.L.G. Fierro, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Structure and electrical properties of a new thio-phosphorus oxynitride glass electrolyte, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 405 (2014) 159-162.

44. N. Mascaraque, G. Tricot, B. Revel, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Nitrogen and fluorine anionic substitution in lithium phosphate glasses, Solid State Ionics 254 (2014) 40-47.

43. L. Muñoz-Senovilla, F. Muñoz, Viscosity behaviour of phosphate glasses through their short and intermediate range order structure, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 385 (2014) 9-16.

42. A. de Pablos-Martín, F. Muñoz, G.C. Mather, C. Patzig, S. Bhattacharyya, J.R. Jinschek, T. Höche, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual, KLaF4 nano-crystallisation in oxyfluoride glass-ceramics, Cryst. Eng. Comm. 15(47) (2013) 10323-10332.

41. N. Mascaraque, J.L.G. Fierro, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, An interpretation for the increase of ionic conductivity by nitrogen incorporation in LiPON oxynitride glasses, Solid State Ionics 233 (2013) 73-79.

40. Peter Hockicko, Peter Bury, Francisco Muñoz, Investigation of relaxation and transport processes in LiPO(N) glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 363 (2013) 140-146.

39. F. Muñoz, L. Montagne, L. Delevoye, T. Charpentier, New insights into the structure of NaPON oxynitride phosphate glasses by 17-Oxygen NMR, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 363 (2013) 134-139.

38. R. Wurth, M.J. Pascual, G.C. Mather, A. De Pablos-Martín, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, G. Cuello, C. Rüssel, Crystallisation mechanism of a multicomponent lithium aluminosilicate glass, Mat. Chem. Phys. 134 (2012) 1001-1006.

37. F. Muñoz, Comments on the structure of LiPON thin-film electrolytes, J. Power Sources 198 (2012) 432-433.

36. F. Muñoz, Kinetic analysis of the substitution of nitrogen for oxygen in phosphate glasses, Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, 52(4) (2011) 181-186.

35. A. de Pablos-Martín, N. Hémono, G.C. Mather, S. Bhattacharyya, T. Höche, H. Bornhöft, J. Deubener, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual, Crystallisation Kinetics of LaF3 nanocrystals in an oxyfluoride Glass, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94 (2011) 2420-2428.

34. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Effect of alumina on the structure and properties of Li2O-B2O3-P25 glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 357 (2011) 3212-3220.

33. Q. Riguidel, F. Muñoz, Effect of nitridation on the aqueous dissolution of Na2O-K2O-CaO-P2O5 metaphosphate glasses, Acta Biomaterialia, 7 (2011) 2631-2636.

32. F. Muñoz, A. De Pablos-Martín, N. Hémono, M.J. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Delevoye, L. Montagne, NMR investigation of the crystallisation mechanism of LaF 3 and NaLaF4 phases in aluminosilicate glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 357 (2011) 1463-1468.

31. C. Bocker, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, C. Rüssel, Fluorine sites in glasses and transparent glass-ceramics of the system Na2O/K2O/Al 2O3/SiO2/BaF2J. Solid State Chem., 184 (2011) 405-410.

30. A. De Pablos-Martín, G.C. Mather, F. Muñoz, S. Bhattacharyya, Th. Höche, J.R. Jinschek, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual, Design of oxyfluoride glass-ceramics containing NaLaF4 nanocrystals, J. Non-Cryst. Solids,356 (2010) 3071-3079.

29. N. Hémono, F. Muñoz, Dissolution of SO3 within a lithium phosphate glass network and structure-properties relationship, Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, 51(2) (2010) 121-126.

28. A. Goel, D.U. Tulyagnov, M.J. Pascual, E.R. Shaaban, F. Muñoz, Z. Lü, J.M.F. Ferreira, Development and performance of diopside based glass-ceramic sealants for solid oxide fuel cells, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 356 (2010) 1070-1080.

27. F. Muñoz, L. Montagne, L. Pascual, A. Durán, Composition and structure effects on the properties of lithium borophosphate glasses showing boron anomaly, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 355 (2009) 2571-2577.

26. N. Hémono, G. Pierre, F. Muñoz, M.J. Pascual, A. Durán, Processing of transparent glass-ceramics by nanocrystallisation of LaF3J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 29 (2009) 2915-2920.

25. R. Würth, F. Muñoz, M. Müller, C. Rüssel, Crystal growth in a multicomponent lithia aluminosilicate glass, Mat. Chem. Phys 116 (2009) 433-437.

24. F. Moreau, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Structure and properties of high Li2O-containing aluminophosphate glasses, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 29 (2009) 1895-1902.

23. F. Muñoz, L. Montagne, L. Delevoye, Influence of phosphorus speciation on the phase separation of Na2O-B2O3-SiO 2 glasses, European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B: Phys. Chem. Glasses 49(6) (2008) 339-345.

22. F. Muñoz, A. Durán, L. Pascual, L. Montagne, B. Revel, A.C.M. Rodrigues, Increased electrical conductivity of LiPON glasses produced by ammonolysis, Solid State Ionics 179 (2008) 574-579.

21. F. Tessier, F. Cheviré, F. Muñoz, O. Merdrignac-Conanec, R. Marchand, M. Bouchard, C. Colbeau-Justin, Powder preparation and UV absorption properties of selected compositions in the CeO2-Y2O3 system, J. Solid State Chem. 181 (2008) 1204-1212.

20. F. Muñoz, O. Pritula, J. Sedláček and C. Rüssel, A study on the anisotropy of phosphate glass fibres, European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A: Glass Technology, 49(1) (2008) 47-52.

19. N. Hemono, J. Rocherullé, M. Le-Floch, F. Muñoz, Synthesis and characterisation of SnO-containing phosphorous oxynitride glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 354 (2008) 1822-1827.

18. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Montagne and L. Delevoye, Structure-Properties relationships in phase separated borosilicate glasses containing P 2O5European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B: Phys. Chem. Glasses, 48 (4) (2007) 296-301.

17. F. Muñoz, O. Pritula, J. Sedláček and C. Rüssel, The effect of the hydrostatic pressure on the drawing process of phosphate fibres, European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A: Glass Technology 47(4) (2006) 97-102.

16. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, R. Berjoan and R. Marchand, Validation of the mechanism of nitrogen/oxygen substitution in Li-Na-Pb-P-O-N oxynitride phosphate glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 352 (2006) 3947-3951.

15. François Cheviré, Francisco Muñoz, Charles F. Baker, Franck Tessier, Olivier Larcher, Souhir Boujday, Christophe Colbeau-Justin, Roger Marchand, UV absorption properties of ceria-modified compositions within the fluorite-type solid solution CeO2 – Y6WO12J. Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 3184-3190.

14. F. Muñoz, L. Delevoye, A. Durán, L. Pascual, S. Crystol, J.-F. Paul and L. Montagne, Phosphate speciation in sodium borosilicate glasses studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 352 (2006) 2958-2968.

13. F. Muñoz, R. Keding, Christian Rüssel, R. Marchand, A. Durán and L. Pascual, Conductivity of phosphate and oxynitride phosphate glasses in the system Li2O-Na2O-PbO-P2O5European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B: Phys. Chem. Glasses 47 (1) (2006) 58-63.

12. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, J. Rocherullé and R. Marchand, Oxidation behaviour of oxynitride phosphate glasses Li-Na-Pb-P-O-N, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 26 (2006) 1455-1461.

11. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán and R. Marchand, Compositional and viscosity influence on the nitrogen/oxygen substitution reactions in phosphate melts, Phys. Chem. Glasses 46 (1) (2005) 39-45.

10. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Montagne, F. Agulló-Rueda and R. Marchand, Structure and properties of (25-x/2)Li2O.(25-x/2)Na 2O.xPbO.50P2O5 metaphosphate glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 347 (2004) 153-158.

9. F. Muñoz, D. Benne, L. Pascual, J. Rocherullé, R. Marchand, C. Rüssel and A. Durán, Silicon oxynitride glasses produced by ammonolysis from colloidal silica, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 345&346 (2004) 647-652.

8. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, J. Rocherullé and R. Marchand, Structure of oxynitride phosphate glasses in the system Li-Na-Pb-P-O-N, Silicates Industriels 69 (5-6) (2004) 105-111.

7. J. Rocherullé, F. Bourdin, R. Marchand, F. Muñoz and A. Durán, The influence of nitrogen on the devitrification behaviour of a LAS glass studied by DTA, Silicates Industriels 69 (5-6) (2004) 113-118.

6. F. Muñoz, A. Durán, R. Marchand and L. Pascual, Corrosion behaviour of alkali-lead oxynitride metaphosphate glasses in acidic medium, Phys. Chem. Glasses 44(6) (2003) 416-421.

5. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Montagne, R. Berjoan, G. Palavit and R. Marchand, Structural study of phosphorus oxynitride glasses LiNaPbPON by nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 324 (2003) 142-149.

4. A. Durán, F. Muñoz, L. Pascual and R. Marchand, Structure properties relationships in nitrided phosphate glasses, Proc. of the VII Otto-Schott Colloquium, Glass Sci. Technol. 75C (2002) 227-232.

3. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, J. Rocherullé and R. Marchand, Alkali and alkali-lead oxynitride phosphate glasses: a comparative structural study by NMR and XPS, C. R. Chimie 5 (2002) 731-738.

2. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán and R. Marchand, Synthesis and properties of nitrided phosphate glasses in the system R2O-R’2 O-PbO-P2O5 (R,R’=Li,Na), Phys. Chem. Glasses 43C (2002) 113-118.

1. F. Moscardó, F. Muñoz-Fraile, A. J. Pérez-Jiménez, J. M. Pérez-Jordá and E. San-Fabián, Improvement of multiconfigurational wave-functions and energies by correlation energy functionals, J. Phys. Chem. A 102 (1998) 10900-10902.

5. P. Hockicko, P. Bury, L. Muñoz-Senovilla, F. Muñoz, Investigation of acoustic and electrical properties of a LiPO3 metaphosphate glass, Communications 1 (2014) 45-47.

4. P. Hockicko, P. Bury, F. Muñoz, Analysis of dielectric properties of lithium phosphate glasses, Komunikacie 15 (2A) (2013) 33-39.

3. P. Hockicko, P. Bury, F. Muñoz, Electrical and dielectric properties of LiPON glasses, Proceedings of 9th International Conference, ELEKTRO 2012, art. no. 6225672 , pp. 488-492.

2. P. Hockicko, F. Muñoz, P. Bury, P. Sidor, Analysis of acoustic attenuation spectra of LiPON glasses, Komunikacie,12 (2) (2010) 38-42.

1. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Montagne, R. Berjoan and R. Marchand, Structure and properties of alkali and alkali-lead oxynitride phosphate glasses, Proc. of the Norbert Kreidl Memorial Conference: Building the Bridges between Glass Science and Glass Technology, Glastech. Ber. Glass Sci. Technol. 77C (2004) 419-420.

1. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, Nitruración de vidrios de fosfato del sistema R2O-R’2O-PbO-P2O5 (R,R’=Li,Na). XL Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Onda (Spain), 2000. Oral.

2. F. Muñoz, A. Durán, L. Pascual, R. Berjoan, E. Biche, D. Pérarnau, R. Marchand, Etude XPS de verres de phosphates Li0.25Na0.25Pb 0.25PO3-3x/2NxJournées GDR Nomade, Odeillo (France), 2000. Poster.

3. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, R. Marchand, Propiedades químicas de vidrios de fosfato nitrurados del sistema Li2O-Na2O-PbO-P 2O5XLI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Benalmádena (Spain), 2001. Oral.

4. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Montagne, R. Berjoan, R. Marchand, Synthesis, structure and properties of nitrided glasses in the system R 2O-R’2O-PbO-P2O5 (R,R’=Li,Na). XIX International Congress on Glass, Edinburg (UK), 2001. Oral.

5. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, R. Keding, R. Marchand, Propiedades eléctricas de vidrios de fosfato nitrurados del sistema Li2O-Na2O-PbO-P2O5VII Reunión Nacional de Materiales – XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Madrid (Spain), 2002. Poster.

6. A. Durán, F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, R. Marchand, Structure-properties relationships in nitrided phosphate glasses. VII International Otto-Schott Colloquium, Jena (Germany), 2002. Oral.

7. F. Muñoz, D. Benne, L. Pascual, C. Rüssel, J. Rocherullé, R. Marchand, A. Durán, Silicon oxynitride glasses produced by ammonolysis from colloidal silica. X International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids, Parma (Italy), 2003. Oral.

8. J. Rocherullé, F. Bourdin, R. Marchand, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, The influence of nitrogen on the devitrification behavior of a LAS glass studied by DTA. 4th International Symposium on Nitrides, Mons (Belgium), November 2003. Oral.

9. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, J. Rocherullé, R. Marchand, Structure of oxynitride phosphate glasses in the system Li-Na-Pb-P-O-N. 4th International Symposium on Nitrides, Mons (Belgium), November 2003. Oral.

10. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Montagne, R. Berjoan, R. Marchand, Structural study by NMR and XPS of alkali and alkali-lead oxynitride phosphate glasses. 7th ESG Conference on Glass Science and Technology, Athens (Greece), 2004. Poster.

11. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, F. Agulló-Rueda, L. Montagne, G. Palavit, R. Berjoan, R. Marchand, Alkali and alkali-lead oxynitride phosphate glasses: a comparative structural study by Raman, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. 3ème Rencontre Franco-Espagnole sur la Chimie et la physique de l’Etat Solide, Montpellier (France), 2004. Poster.

12. J. Rocherullé, N. Hémono, F. Muñoz, Microwave induced solution combustion: a novel method for phosphate glass synthesis. Chemistry Symposium Rennes-Erlangen 2004, Erlangen (Germany), 2004. Poster.

13. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Montagne, R. Berjoan, R. Marchand, Structure and properties of alkali and alkali-lead oxynitride phosphate glasses. Norbert Kreidl Memorial Conference “Building the bridges between Glass Science and Glass Technology”, Trencin (Slovak Republic), 2004. Poster.

14. F. Muñoz, L. Delevoye, L. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Montagne, Multinuclear NMR study of phosphoborosilicate glasses. XIX GERM 2005, Carry-le-Rouet (France), 2005. Poster.

15. F. Muñoz, L. Delevoye, L. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Montagne, Multinuclear NMR study of phosphoborosilicate glasses. Annual meeting of the Society of Glass Technology, Glass: Past, Present and Future, Sheffield (UK), 2005. Poster.

16. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual. A. Durán, L. Delevoye, L. Montagne, Structure-properties relationship in P2O5-containing sodium borosilicate glasses. VIII International Otto-Schott Colloquium, Jena (Germany), July 2006. Oral.

17. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Delevoye, L. Montagne, NMR characterization and structure-properties relationship in P2O5 -containing borosilicate glasses. Materiaux 2006, Dijon (France), 2006. Oral.

18. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, L. Montagne, L. Delevoye, R. Marchand, Phosphorous oxynitride glasses: structure, properties and applications. XXI International Congress on Glass, Strasburg (France), July 2007. Oral.

19. L. Montagne, D. Coillot, L. Delevoye, G. Tricot, F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, Structure and properties of phase-separated borosilicate glasses containing P2O5XXI International Congress on Glass, Strasburg (France), July 2007. Oral.

20. A. de Pablos-Martín, N. Hémono, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual, Nanocristalización en vidrios que contienen LaF3XLVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Oviedo (Spain), November 2008. Oral.

21. F. Muñoz, L. Pascual, A. Durán, Conductivity of phosphorous oxynitride glasses: search for new solid electrolytes. European Society Glass Conference 2008, Trencin (Slovak Republic), 2008. Oral.

22. N. Hémono, F. Muñoz, A. de Pablos-Martín, M.J. Pascual, A. Durán, Nano-crystallization of LaF3-containing glass-ceramics with photonic applications. European Society Glass Conference 2008, Trencin (Slovak Republic), 2008. Oral.

23. L. Montagne, L. Delevoye, G. Tricot, E. Creton, D. coillot, B. Revel, F. Muñoz, M. Goswami, G.P. Kothiyal, Solid-state NMR analysis of some sealing glasses and glass-ceramics. National Symposium on Science & Technology of Glass and Glass-Ceramics (NSGC-08), India, 2008. Oral.

24. A. de Pablos-Martín, N. Hémono, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual, Nano-crystallization in LaF3-containing glasses. PACRIM8, Vancouver (Canada), June 2009. Oral.

25. F. Muñoz, A. Durán, L. Montagne, The influence of the structure on the ionic conductivity of phosphate-based glasses. PACRIM8, Vancouver (Canada), June 2009. Oral.

26. A. de Pablos-Martín, N. Hémono, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual, C. Bocker, R. Wurth, M. Dittmer, S. Gerlach, C. Rüssel, T. Höche, S. Bhattacharyya, I. Avramov, P. Argyrakis, U. Fotheringham, Interphase controlled nucleation and crystallization (INTERCONY). PACRIM8, Vancouver (Canada), June 2009. Poster.

27. S. Chenu, J. Rocherullé, P. Bernard-Rocherulle, R. Lebullenger, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, Kinetics and structural aspects of the nitridation of metaphosphate glass compositions. 6th International Conference on Nitrides and related materials, Karlsruhe (Germany), 2009. Poster.

28. A. de Pablos-Martín, N. Hémono, F. Muñoz, M.J. Pascual, A. Durán, Structural characterization of the nanocrystallisation process in LaF3 oxyfluoride glasses. XII International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids, Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), September 2009. Oral.

29. A. de Pablos-Martín, N. Hémono, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual, C. Bocker, R. Wurth, M. Dittmer, S. Gerlach, C. Rüssel, T. Höche, S. Bhattacharyya, I. Avramov, P. Argyrakis, U. Fotheringham, Interphase controlled nucleation and crystallization (INTERCONY). XII International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids, Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), September 2009. Poster.

30. S. Chenu, J. Rocherullé, P. Bernard-Rocherulle, R. Lebullenger, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, Low temperature synthesis of glass-ceramics with NZP-type structure from glass reactive sintering. XII International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids, Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), September 2009. Poster.

31. R. Wurth, M. Müller, C. Rüssel, A. de Pablos-Martín, F. Muñoz, M.J. Pascual, A. Durán, Beta-quartz crystallization in a lithium aluminosilicate glass. XII International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids, Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), September 2009. Poster.

32. N. Mascaraque, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, Electrolitos vítreos para baterías recargables, XLIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Linares (Spain), November 2009. Oral.

33. A. de Pablos Martín, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual, Vitrocerámicos de oxifluoruro con propiedades fotónicas, XLIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Linares (Spain), November 2009. Oral.

34. N. Mascaraque, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, Vidrios de oxinitruro de fósforo: estructura, propiedades y su aplicación como electrolitos sólidos. L Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Madrid (Spain), November 2010. Oral.

35. N. Mascaraque, Q. Riguidel, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Potenciales aplicaciones de vidrios de fosfato nitrurados. L Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Madrid (Spain), November 2010. Oral.

36. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Phosphorus oxynitride glasses: structure, properties and potential application as solid electrolytes. 19th International Conference on Lithium Batteries, Montreal (Canada), June 2010. Poster.

37. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Alternative route to produce high alkali-phosphate glasses through nitridation. International Congress on Glass 2010, Salvador (Brazil), September 2010. Oral.

38. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Phosphorus oxynitride glasses: structure, properties and potential application as solid electrolytes. International Congress on Glass 2010, Salvador (Brazil), September 2010. Poster.

39. A. de Pablos-Martín, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual, Effect of lanthanide ions on the crystallisation of oxyfluoride glass-ceramics. Photonic properties. International Congress on Glass 2010, Salvador (Brazil), September 2010. Oral.

40. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Synthesis and applications of oxynitride phosphate glasses. Glass Trends 10th anniversary, Zandvoort (The Netherlands), May 2011. Poster.

41. A. de Pablos-Martín, F. Muñoz, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual, Nano-crystallisation in LaF3-containing glasses. Design of materials for optics. Glass Trends 10th anniversary, Zandvoort (The Netherlands), May 2011. Poster.

42. F. Muñoz, Structure of oxynitride phosphate glasses. International conference on the chemistry of glasses and glass-forming melts, Oxford (UK), September 2011. Oral.

43. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Glass formation in lithium phosphate glasses with anionic substitution. International conference on the chemistry of glasses and glass-forming melts, Oxford (UK), September 2011. Oral.

44. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Processing of thin-film solid electrolytes by RF magnetron sputtering of lithium phosphate glasses. LII Congress of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass, Burgos (Spain), November 2012. Oral.

45. L. Muñoz-Senovilla, F. Muñoz, Viscosity behavior of phosphate glasses through their short and intermediate range order structure. LII Congress of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass, Burgos (Spain), November 2012. Oral

46. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Synthesis and electrical conductivity of lithium phosphorus oxynitride glasses. 11th European Society of Glass Conference, Maastricht (NL), June 2012. Poster.

47. A. de Pablos, F. Muñoz, A. Duran, M.J. Pascual, Influence of the mixed alcali effect on the nano-crystallisation of LaF3 containing glasses. 11th European Society of Glass Conference, Maastricht (NL), June 2012. Oral.

48. M. J. Pascual, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, A. Prange, V. A. C. Haanappel, S. M. Gross, Glass-ceramics in the system MgO-BaO-B2O3-SiO 2 under simulated SOFC conditions. Crystallisation 2012, Goslar (Germany), September 2012. Oral.

49. P. Hockicko, P. Bury, F. Muñoz, Electrical and dielectric properties of LiPON glasses. ELEKTRO 2012, Rajecke Teplice (SK), May 2012. Oral.

50. F. Muñoz, N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, Nitrided phosphate glasses for solid state batteries. European Materials Research Society Spring meeting, Strasbourg (France), May 2013. Invited talk.

51. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, I. Seo, S.W. Martin, Processing of thin-film solid electrolytes by RF magnetron sputtering of lithium phosphate glasses. 23rd International Congress on Glass, Prague (Czech Republic), July 2013.

52. L. Muñoz-Senovilla, F. Muñoz, Viscosity behaviour of phosphate glasses through their short and intermediate range order structure. 23rd International Congress on Glass, Prague (Czech Republic), July 2013. Oral.

53. F. Muñoz, N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, L. Muñoz-Senovilla, The chemistry and applications of oxynitride phosphate glasses. 23rd International Congress on Glass, Prague (Czech Republic), July 2013. Poster.

54. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Vidrios de fosfato de litio como electrolitos sólidos en baterias de lítio. LIII Congreso de La Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Alcora, October 2013.

55. F. Muñoz, N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, G. Tricot, L. Montagne, A.C.M. Rodrigues, Structure-properties relationships in lithium oxynitride phosphate glasses. International Conference on Phosphate Glasses, Pardubice (CZ), July 2014. Oral.

56. P. Hockicko, P. Bury, L. Muñoz-Senovilla, F. Muñoz, Accoustic attenuation spectroscopy and electrical properties of phosphate and oxynitride phosphate glasses. International Conference on Phosphate Glasses, Pardubice (CZ), July 2014. Poster.

57. F. Muñoz, N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, L. Muñoz-Senovilla, The chemistry and applications of oxynitride phosphate glasses. International Conference on Phosphate Glasses, Pardubice (CZ), July 2014. Poster.

58. L. Muñoz-Senovilla, S. Ventakachalam, F. Muñoz, L. Van Wüllen, Influence of the structure on viscosity in phosphate glasses. International Conference on Phosphate Glasses, Pardubice (CZ), July 2014. Oral.

59. P. Hockicko, J. Kudelcik, F. Muñoz, L. Muñoz-Senovilla, Electrical properties of LiPO3 glasses. ELEKTRO 2014, Rajecke Teplice (SK), May 2014. Oral.

60. N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Glassy materials as solid electrolytes for rechargeable batteries, LIV Congreso annual de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Badajoz, November 2014. Oral.

61. L. Muñoz-Senovilla, S. Venkatachalam, G. Tricot, F. Muñoz, L. Van Wüllen, The influence of the structure on the dynamic properties of mixed glass-former Li2O-B2O3-P2O5 glasses. LIV Congreso annual de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Badajoz, November 2014. Oral.

62. L. Muñoz-Senovilla, F. Muñoz, S. Venkatachalam, L. Van Wüllen, Influencia de la estructura sobre la viscosidad en vidrios de fosfato. LIV Congreso annual de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Badajoz, November 2014. Oral (Invited).

International Conference on Phosphate Glasses, Pardubice (CZ), 2-4 July 2014.

10th International Conference ELEKTRO 2014, Rajecké Teplice (SK), 19-20 May 2014.

PhD thesis: Laura Muñoz Senovilla
Interrelationship of transport properties in phosphate glasses through their atomic structure
Expected date of dissertation: October, 2015

PhD thesis: Nerea Mascaraque Álvarez
Glassy materials as solid electrolytes for lithium rechargeable batteries
Date of dissertation: September 12, 2014

MSc thesis: Nerea Mascaraque Álvarez, 2009
Synthesis of oxyfluoronitride glasses of the system Li2O-LiF-P2O5-PON
MSc thesis: Laura Muñoz Senovilla, 2011
Rheological properties of phosphate glasses

Jérémy Coutard
Synthesis of novel oxynitride phosphate glasses for optical applications
University of Rennes 1 (France)
May – September 2013

Ryan Gebhardt
Electrical properties of oxynitride glasses of the systems of composition Na2O-P2O5 and Na2O-Al23-P2O5
Iowa State University (USA), IMI program for new functionalities in glass
May – July 2012

Marie Delaflotte
Chemical durability of nitrided phosphate glasses
Institute of Technology University of Rennes 1 (France)
April – June 2012

Franck Rojas
Electrical conductivity of oxynitride phosphate glasses in the system Li2O-P2O5
Institute of Technology University of Rennes 1 (France)
April – June 2011

Laura Haviez
Structure-conductivity relationship in oxynitride lithium phosphate glasses
ENSICAEN, Caen (France)
June – August 2010

Quentin Riguidel
Synthesis and characterisation of bioresorbable phosphate glasses
Institute of Technology University of Rennes 1 (France)
April – June 2010

Christelle González-Fuente
Synthesis and characterisation of lithium borophosphate glasses
Institute of Technology University of Rennes 1 (France)
April – June 2009

Florian Moreau
Synthesis and properties of high Li2O-containing phosphate and oxynitride phosphate glasses
Institute of Technology University of Rennes 1 (France)
April – June 2008

2010/2011 MSc program in Applied Chemistry, University Autonomous of Madrid, Spain
Courses taught: Introduction to glass properties; Chemical properties; Electrical properties

Spanish: Native
English: Fluent
French: Fluent
Chinese: Basic (Grade 1 HSK)