Jadra Mosa Ruiz

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PhD in Chemistry, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2008)
Master in Polymers and elastomers, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) (2006)
BSc Chemistry, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2003)

Doctor FC3 CSIC (Proyecto Comunidad de Madrid) Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio 2015-2018

JAEDoc contract, Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio 2011-2015

Postdoctoral contract MEC, Laboratoire Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris. UPMC (Paris6)-CNRS- Collegé de France 2010-2011

Postdoctoral contract CNRS, Laboratoire Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris. UPMC (Paris 6)-CNRS- Collegé de France 2008-2010

Predoctoral contract FPI-MEC Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio 2004-2008

Honorific felowship, Departamento de Química Inorgánica (UAM) 2003-2004

In July 2003, I got the Chemistry Science degree by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Same year I obtained a pre-grade “Collaboration Grant” with Prof. Souza from Inorganic Chemistry Department at UAM. In April 2004, I joined to the Glass Department of Ceramic and Glass Institute (CSIC) earning a Predoctoral grant (FPI Program). I attended to the master: “Master in polymers and elastomers, Instituto de Tecnología de Polímeros – CSIC” 2006. I defended the PhD thesis on 2008, excellent results are reflected in diverse scientific reports (9 articles). Then, I realized an international postdoctoral stay (32 months) at LCMC. I also did several stays at two different labs: the Laboratoire de Interfaces et Systèmes Electrochimiques (CNRS, France) and the Centro de Investigação em Materiais Cerâmicos e Compósitos (Univ. Aveiro, Portugal). My experience in teaching activity is mainly related to my postdoctoral stay, in Université Pierre et Marie Curie. I joined Ceramic and Glass Institute (CSIC) with a JAE-Doc contract in December 2011, in the frame of an International Project with the Osaka Prefecture University. I co-directed a thesis in this subject. I spent a one-month stay in Osaka Prefecture University (Japan, October 2012). I have also continued the work in the subject of my doctoral thesis: I am in charge of a private project with an aeronautical industrial company and also, I am in charge of a regional project about Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell in collaboration with different centers and several industrial partners. During this more 14 years of research, I participated in 11 international research projects (including 6 EU, 1 USA, 3 Japan, 1 South America), 9 national projects and 3 industrial projects. I have opened new collaborations with national and international researchers. I participated actively in the supervision of several students from different universities. I am also co-directed an Advances Studies Diploma of a Portuguese student. In summary; I have 63 publications, 45 in SCI (79% first quartile, first author in 17) including 1 invited paper, 10 proceedings and 5 book chapters and already submitted 3 publications. Cites > 450 and H=13. 4 invited talk, 97 international and national conferences (55 orals) and 14 invited seminaries. 4 grants and sholarships obtained (Collaboration grant (UAM), FPI (MEC), CSIC (Polymer master), International Mobility Program (MICINN) and JAEDoc (CSIC). 4 awards and distinctions including motivation Program for the Incorporation and Intensification of the Research Activity (Program I3). I have been a member of 3 PhD tribunal theses, one in France. I am main research in a COST action as management committee (500 K€).

Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (SECV)

The International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)

Editorial Board Member in Current Alternative Energy

Advisor committee in Ship Recent Patents in Materials Science International member of International Electrochemical Committee (IEC) (WG 2 and 11) TECNOLOGÍAS DE LAS PILAS DE COMBUSTIBLE” CENELEC-IEC

Editorial Board Member in Journal of Nanomaterials Science

Expert member of committee Spanish member EERA- Coordination energy research for a low carbon Europe

Lithium intercalation materials for battery prepared by sol-gel method. Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Processing, Characterization and Applications
Jadra Mosa; Mario Aparicio. L. Klein, M. Aparicio, A. Jitianu. Second Edition, Springer, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-19454-7 (Print) 978-3-319-19454-7 (Online).

Hybrid Materials for High Ionic Conductivity. Sol-Gel Processing for Conventional and Alternative Energy
Jadra Mosa; Mario Aparicio. M. Aparicio, A. Jitianu, L. C. Klein. Springer, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4614-1956-3. Series: “Advances in Sol-Gel Derived Materials and Technologies”, Series Editors: Michel A. Aegerter, Michel Prassas.

Sol-Gel Materials for Batteries and Fuel Cells. The Sol-Gel Handbook
Jadra Mosa; Mario Aparicio. Editors: David Levy and Marcos Zayat. Volume 3-3, pp. 1071 – 1118. Wiley, 2015.

External treatments for the preventive repair of existing constructions: A review
M. Sánchez, P. Faria, L. Ferrara, E. Horszczaruk, H. M. Jonkers, J. Mosa, A. Peled, A. S. Pereira, D. Snoeck, M. Stefanidou, T. Stryszewska, B. Zajac. Construction and Building Materials 193 (2018) 435-452

Transparent SiO2-GdF3 sol-gel nano-glass ceramics for optical applications.
J.J. Velázquez; J. Mosa; G. Gorni; R. Balda; J. Fernández; A. Durán; Y. Castro. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10971-018-4693-z

Infiltration of 40SiO2−40P2O5−20ZrO2 sol-gel in sSEBS membranes for PEMFCs application
P.G. Escribano, C. del Río, E. Morales, M. Aparicio, J. Mosa, Journal of Membrane Science 551 (2018) 136-144.

Thickness-properties synergy in organic–inorganic consolidated melting-gel coatings for protection of 304 stainless steel in NaCl solutions
M. Aparicio, A. Jitianu, G. Rodriguez, K. Al-Marzoki, M. Jitianu, J. Mosa, L. C. Klein, Surface & Coatings Technology 315 (2017) 426-435.

Covalent silica-PEO-LiTFSI hybrid solid electrolytes via sol-gel for Li-ion battery applications
J.F. Vélez, M. Aparicio, J. Mosa, Electrochimica Acta 213 (2016) 831-841.

Corrosion Protection of AISI 304 Stainless Steel with Melting Gel Coatings
M. Aparicio, A. Jitianu, G. Rodriguez, A. Degnah, K. Al-Marzoki, J. Mosa, L. C. Klein. Electrochimica Acta 202 (2016) 325-332.

Sulfonic acid-functionalized hybrid organic-inorganic proton exchange membranes synthesized by sol-gel using 3-mercaptopropyl trimethoxysilane (MPTMS)
J. Mosa, A. Durán, M. Aparicio, Journal of Power Sources 297 (2015) 208-216.

Li4Ti5O12 thin-film electrodes by in-situ synthesis of lithium alkoxide for Li-ion microbatteries
J. Mosa, M. Aparicio, K. Tadanaga, A. Hayashi, M. Tatsumisago, Electrochimica Acta 149 (2014) 293-299.

Nanocrystalline mesoporous LiFePO4 thin-films as cathodes for Li-ion microbatteries
J. Mosa, M. Aparicio, A. Durán, C. Laberty-Robert, C. Sanchez, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (2014) 3038-3046.

Li4Ti5O12 thin-film electrodes by sol-gel for lithium-ion microbatteries
J. Mosa, J.F. Vélez, J.J. Reinosa, M. Aparicio, A. Yamaguchi, K. Tadanaga, M. Tatsumisago, Journal of Power Sources 244 (2013) 482-487.

Film-shaped sol–gel Li4Ti5O12 electrode for lithium-ion microbatteries
J. Mosa, J.F. Vélez, I. Lorite, N. Arconada, M. Aparicio, Journal of Power Sources 205 (2012) 491-494.

Nanoporous Piezo- and Ferro- electric thin films
P. Ferreira; R. Z. Hou; A. Wu; M. G. Willinger; P. M. Villarinho; J. Mosa; C. Laberty-Robert; C. Boissiere; D.Grosso; C. Sánchez. Langmuir. 28 (2012) 2944 – 2949.

FTO modified ZrO2 nanoelectrode arrays: morphology and electrochemical properties.
J. Mosa; O. Fontaine; V. Vivier; D. Grosso; C. Laberty-Robert; C. Sanchez. Electropolymerization of phenol on Electrochimica Acta. 56 (2011) 7155 – 7162.

Epoxy-polystyrene-silica sol–gel membranes with high proton conductivity by combination of sulfonation and tungstophosphoric acid doping
J. Mosa, A. Durán and M. Aparicio, Journal of Membrane Science 361 (2010) 135-142.

Proton conducting sol–gel sulfonated membranes produced from 2-allylphenol, 3-glycidoxypropyl trimethoxysilane and tetraethyl orthosilicate
J. Mosa, A. Durán and M. Aparicio, Journal of Power Sources 192 (2009) 138-143.

Synthesis and characterization of P2O5-ZrO2-SiO2 membranes doped with tungstophosphoric acid (PWA) for applications in PEMFC
J. Mosa, G. Larramona, A. Durán and M. Aparicio, Journal of Membrane Science 307 (2008) 21–27.

Proton conducting methacrylate – silica sol-gel membranes containing tungstophosphoric acid
M. Aparicio, J. Mosa, M. Etienne and A. Durán, Journal of Power Sources 145 (2005) 231-236.